The Mastermind

Shuntel The Credit Specialist

 At ST Fresh Start Financial Solutions, we help you build a solid financial future by analyzing all three credit reports.

By clearing your poor score and bringing you back on the right track with good credit. Poor credit is not a life sentence, and should not affect your future. For this reason we don’t leave any stone unturned. Let’s make your good credit our joint goal 

We are experts at:

Identifying Errors And Repairing your credit

Processing Your Disputes

Restoring your credit profile

Assisting you with Identify theft

We are a reliable credit repair company and provide a full and transparent contract to all clients. We strategize with you exactly how we plan to help fix your credit score.

We provide efficient third-party information, testimonials, and reviews outside our own site that validate the credibility of our prospective customers.

We strive to give you the best experience with our services. We would like for you to be comfortable with the services we offer therefore we do not pressure you to make a decision we want you to feel comfortable and at ease with your choice. We value your right to choose us.